A dashboard allows you to visualize the data that you have stored and you are sending in real time.
There are multiple different types of visualizations (line charts, single values, tables, maps), and all of them offer a great level of customization.
What do I need?
The data that you can visualize is provided by a source. The charts, will plot not only the stored data in the source, but will be updated in real time with any new incoming data as it is injested by the system.
The charts will always plot all the data that passes the specified filters. Each chart defines which filters apply to them, however, we have a way of specifying also global filtering on demand, and this is called templating. The time interval specified on the top right corner filters the data that is actually visualized so that we focus our query in the very specific time of time that really matters.
In the settings of a dashboard, you can generate a public link that do not require authorization to be opened. Its layout is also simplified as a way of keeping it clean to be used in a kiosk mode.